★ Pre-United States ★
John Kendall (c. 1400 - 1485)
John Kendall (c. 1400 - 1485)
- c. 1400 - August 7th, 1486
- 17th Great-Grandfather
- Battle of Bosworth, final battle in the Wars of the Roses.
- 22nd August, 1485
- Secretary to King Richard III
- Died with the King in Battle against Henry Tudor.
- 10th Great-Grandfather
- Plymout Military Company, 1643
- About 1650
- East Hampton Militia Townsman
- May 19th, 1661
- Indian Raid on Windsor, Connecticut
- Died helping to defend the town against the attack.
- Also murdered were his two twin grandchildren, both less than 1 month old.
- December 19, 1675
- The "Great Swamp Fight"
- King Phillips War
- Died from infection of wounds he suffered fighting with the Narragansetts (Native Americans) against Militia from Connecticut, Massachusetts and Plymouth along with their Pequot and Mohican Allies.
- 9th Great-Grandfather
- Expedition against Indians in Hampshire, Mass
- Commissioned a Lieutenant by Colony of Connecticut Governor Gurdon Saltonstall.
- 7th Great Grandfather
- French and Indian War
- 10th Company of the First Regiment of the Connecticut Militia
- French and Indian War
- 1st Company, Third Regiment
- Commander: Colonel Nathan Whiting
- French and Indian War
- Second Regiment, 5th Company
- Company Commander: Captain Jabez Thompson
- Regimental Commander: Colonel Nathan Whiting
- French and Indian War
- "Company at service at time of alarm for relief of Fort William Henry and parts adjacent".
- August 1757
- Colonel Jonathan Trumble's Regiment
- Captain Joseph Fitch's Company
- French and Indian War
- Captain John Slapp's Company, Major Eliezer Fitch's New York Regiment
- "Muster Roll/employed in building forts and removing encroachments on his Majesties Lands Northward of Albany".
- 9th Great-Grandfather
- Captain
- Connecticut Militia
- 9th Great-Grandfather
- King Phillips War
- Falls Fight
★ American Revolutionary War ★
Private Isaac Allen (1753 - 1825)
Corporal John Adams Quiggins (1754 - 1814)
Private Isaac Allen (1753 - 1825)
- 6th Great-Grandfather
- Enlisted July 9th, 1776
- Marched August 3rd, 1776
- Member of Captain Francis Burn's Co Ulster Co Militia New York 3rd Regiment under Colonel Levi Pawling & Colonel John Cantine.
- Battle of Wyoming (Wyoming Massacre)
Corporal John Adams Quiggins (1754 - 1814)
- 6th Great-Grandfather
- American Revolutionary War & War of 1812
- Enlisted May 30th, 1777 (Revolutionary War)
- Promoted to Corporal 1st August, 1778
- Battle of the Thames October 5th, 1813 (War of 1812)
- 3rd Maryland Regiment
- 7th Great-Uncle
- Revolutionary War
- 4th Maryland Regiment
- Died at the Battle of Bennington, August 16th, 1777
- 6th Great-Grandfather
- Captain Hugh McClellans Company, New York Militia
- New York Militia
- Battle of Lexington
- Private in Captain Oliver's Company at Bunker Hill
- Sergeant in Captain Child's Company at Ticonderoga
- 7th Great-Grandfather
- Signed Articles of Association, East Hampton, Long Island, NY
- Herrick's Regiment, Vermont Militia
- 6th Great-Grandfather
- American Revolutionary War
- Private
- Chase's Regiment of Militia (13th New Hampshire Regiment of Militia)
- 7th Great-Grandfather
- 6th Great-Grandfather
- Enlisted at Winchester, VA and served as a private 15 months in Captain Labart's Company., Colonel Armand's Legion
- Discharged 15 NOV 1783
- 4th Great-Grandfather
- Captain Ezra Whittlesey's Company, Colonel John Brown's Detachment
- September 7, 1777 - September 30, 1777
- Captain John Collar's Company, Colonel John Ashley's Regiment
- July 19th, 1779 - August 27th, 1779
- Company Marched to Connecticut under command of Lieutenant Colonel Powell
- 6th Great-Grandfather
- Connecticut Militia
- 6th Great-Grandfather
- Middlesex County Militia
- Battle of Monmouth, August 1778
- Sergeant
- 1st Massachusetts Regiment
- 6th Great-Grandfather
- Sergeant
- 3rd Maryland Regiment
- 7th Great-Grandfather
- Private
- Webster's Regiment, New York Militia
- 6th Great-Grandfather
- Private
- Captain Noah Lankton's Company, Colonel John Ashley's 1st Berkshire Regiment.
- Entered service: September 19, 1777
- Discharged: October 11, 1777
- Participated in the expedition to Stillwater (Battles of Saratoga)by order of Brigadier General John Fellows.
★ War of 1812 ★
Henry Washington Quiggins (1789 - 1857)
Henry Washington Quiggins (1789 - 1857)
- Private
- Enlisted 28 July 1812
- U.S. Army
- 5th Great-Grandfather
- War of 1812
- 2nd Regiment of Indiana Militia
- 6th Great-Grandfather
- Captain Alney McLean's Company, 1st Regiment, Kentucky Mounted Militia
- Mustered September 18, 1812
- Engaged October 30th, 1812
★ American Civil War ★
John Washington Quiggins (1821 - 1884)
John Washington Quiggins (1821 - 1884)
- 5th Great-Grandfather
- Union
- 4th Great-Uncle
- Union
- Company A, 27th Regiment, Iowa Volunteer Infantry
- Died of Typhoid Fever at Camp Jackson Reed Regimental Hospital, Tennessee on 6 May 1863
- 4th Great-Uncle
- Union
- Company K, 21st Regiment, Iowa Volunteer Infantry
- Enlisted August 16, 1862 (Age 25)
- Mustered August 23rd, 1862.
- Drummer
- Died of illness, December 28th, 1862 Houston, Mo.
- 3rd Great-Grandfather
- Union
- Company D, Iowa 38th Infantry Regiment ("The Martyr Regiment")
- Date of Enlistment: August 21st, 1862
- Rank at Enlistment: 2nd Lieutenant
- Promoted to 1st Lieutenant on June 7th, 1863
- Promoted to Captain on January 1st, 1865
- Transferred to Company H, Iowa 34th Infantry Regiment
- Mustered out on August 15th, 1865 at Houston, Texas.
- 3rd Great-Grandfather
- Union
- Iowa Volunteers, Company I, 9th Infantry Regiment
- Battle of Pea Ridge
- Enlisted September 5th, 1861. Mustered September 18, 1861. Discharged August 27th, 1862.
- 3rd Great-Grandfather
- Union
- Enlisted: 2 September 1864
- Mustered: 2 September 1864
- Muster Location: Wisconsin
- Muster Out: 27 June 1865
- Company F, 1st Wisconsin Heavy Artillery (Union)
- 4th Great-Grandfather
- Union
- Company K, 10th Kentucky Infantry
- 4th Great-Grandfather
- Union
- Company C, 18th Kentucky Infantry
- Union
- Company F, Third Kentucky Cavalry
- Wounded at the Battle of Stones River (Second Battle of Murfreesboro)
- Union
- Company A, 4th Battalion, U.S. Guards
★ Spanish American War ★
Charles Louis Topliff (1862 - 1911)
Charles Louis Topliff (1862 - 1911)
- 2nd Great-Grandfather
- Spanish-American War
★ World War I ★
★ World War II ★
Charles Edward Faith (1916 - 1982)
Charles Edward Faith (1916 - 1982)
- Great-Grandfather
- World War II
- United States Army
- Enlisted July 30, 1942
- United States Army Air Corps
- September 19, 1946
- United States Air Force
- Honorable Discharge March 5, 1954
★ Korean War ★
AC3 Marion Wesley McArthur (1936 - 2001)
AC3 Marion Wesley McArthur (1936 - 2001)
- Grandfather
- United States Air Force
- United States Army
★ Vietnam ★
★ War on Terrorism ★
Lance Corporal Timothy Rene Alcoser Jr (me)
Lance Corporal Timothy Rene Alcoser Jr (me)
- Operation Iraqi Freedom
- March 2008 - October 2008
- Al Anbar Province, Fallujah, Iraq
- Field Artillery & Convoy Escorts